Thursday, May 28, 2015

Well That Went Well...

Surprisingly, Assignment 3 of Applied Technology is going quite smoothly. When I first read the assignment instructions there was a great internal groan of dread. The college library I work for does not use a CMS, and the public library system in the county I live in doesn't either. I anticipated quite a bit of work when it came to tracking down a library that would be willing to talk with me about their website. I know I could use the list of libraries using CMSs from the class resources. However, for these typical "interview" assignments, I always prefer to go with a local institution if possible.

So, before I started a national search, I started with a public library that I have visited several times in a neighboring county. I won't say which, since the institution wants to remain anonymous, but one phone call to the director and my assignment was halfway done! It is always such a great feeling when you expected a project to be nothing but stress, yet it turns out to be one of the simplest endeavors of the entire semester.

I look forward to telling all of you about the library's first attempt at using a CMS, and how easy and money saving they have found it to be. I believe it is safe to assume that this library is liking their website host and CMS much more than I liked Joomla!

Good luck to everyone with their interviews!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. This assignment has had some pleasant surprises. I'll think I'll go into more detail for my next blog post. Thanks for the idea and inspiration.
