Saturday, May 23, 2015

Joomla! Oh joy.

As I've come to my second day in the world of Joomla, I am doing my best to keep my priorities in check. What seemed, to me, like a daunting task at first began to excite me as the creative possibilities for my website began to form in my head. Once I got the ball rolling, I had a million ideas that suddenly needed organizing in my trusty notebook. Although, the overwhelming feeling returned as I realized I might not have the time to create what I envisioned in my head, and I had to come to terms with the fact that I might not be able to achieve perfection. But hey, I'll get an "A" for effort, right? Let's hope so. :)

Despite the limit of time to my rare creative juices, I can at least feel good about the fact that I am actively learning from this assignment. My brief experience with website management comes from my time as a communications intern for a chamber of commerce. At the time I did not realize what I was working with, but looking back with new knowledge from this course, I now know that I was using a CMS. Various people, and a few choice interns, had access to the chamber's website. I had the fun task of posting all of my latest PR articles to the site, keeping the chamber's events calendar, and home page up-to-date on a daily basis. 

Learning to work with a CMS is certainly something I could see myself utilizing in my future endeavors. 

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